The selected text has a size other than one of the sizes listed above in this menu. To select another size, choose a different number or use this item. Sets selected text to any size. Not available because no text is selected. To set the selected text to a size other than one of those listed above in this menu, use this item. The selected text has this size. To change the size, select another number. Sets the selected text to this size. Not available because no text is selected. Sets the selected text to this size. Applies the group style to the selected text. Use this style to support hypertext links in field text. The selected text has no style settings. To apply styles to the text, choose from among the style items below. Clears all style settings from the selected text. Not available because no text is selected. Clears all style settings from the selected text. The selected text has this style. To clear this style from the text, choose this item. Applies this style to the selected text. Not available because no text is selected. Applies this style to the selected text. Style menu Use this menu to apply style and size settings to selected text.